Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Backsliding is Real!

1 Corinthians 10:12 offers valuable advice regarding our faith--"Therefore let he who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall."  There is a sad reality among the Christian church today that many Christians are falling away from the faith (i.e. backsliding).  The questions is: Why?  Is it because the pressure of doing right overcomes them?  Is it because they have no real Christian support system (i.e. church family, born-again friends, sound teaching, etc.)?  Is it because they have a misconception of what Christianity really is?  Here is an interesting question:  Is it because they have a hard time delineating between the lifestyles of people who profess to be Christians and those who don't.  Do they simply decide there's no real difference so the benefits of living their lives on their own terms outweigh the costs of being a hypocritical Christian?

Perhaps the answer is all of the above.  The reality however is we (those who sincerely care for wandering souls) must ask the Lord to show us how to become part of the solution.  First, I believe we must all take heed to 1 Corinthians 10:12 to ensure we don't become one of these "wandering souls."  That is the first part of the solution.  Secondly, I believe love helps to close the gate to backsliding.  In a Charisma magazine article, Dr. Michael Brown shares about the leader of a famous Christian group announcing his departure from the faith and his decision to embrace atheism.  It's a tragic story.  In his comments, the group leader essentially tells his audience he was looking for acceptance, not a set of hollow rules that are in no way rooted in relationship.  Friends, love produces genuine relationship.  People engaged in loving and healthy Christian relationships with believers are more likely to experience the very real love of Christ.  Once you have experienced His love in reality, it will be very hard to simply walk away and declare yourself one who denies His existence. Confessing Christ is the responsibility of a single individual.  However, love is the responsibility of the entire gathering of believers (what we call the church).  

Be aware that people are walking away from the faith every day.  Perhaps, by our love, the corporate church can prevent one or two "wandering souls."  Even one or two equates to much in the eyes of God.  Have an awesome love-filled day!

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